Category: Salary & Benefits

Perfect Phrases For Negotiating Salary & Job OffersPerfect Phrases For Negotiating Salary & Job Offers

Sometimes when you are negotiating for higher pay, more benefits, the best starting salary, or a promotion, you just don’t know what to say. Issues will come up that you have not thought about and you find yourself unprepared to respond with an appropriate answer. This is where “Perfect Phrases for Negotiating Salary & Job Offers: Hundreds of Ready-to-Use Phrases to Help You Get the Best Possible Salary, Perks, or Promotion” by Matthew J. DeLuca and Nanette F. DeLuca comes in. This book provides a wide range of examples to modify to your own situation and practice before you enter your negotiations. Proper preparation before a negotiation is crucial for negotiating success, and this book will help you prepare the right words for just about any salary or job offer negotiation.

The first part of the book focuses on preparing for salary negotiations. It contains advice on figuring out where you are in the negotiation process, why you should receive more money, how to determine your selling points, defining what compensation means to you, and some basics on how to negotiate.

The second part of the book deals with salary questions before and during the recruiting and selection process. This section gives you a number of model responses to various situations such as submitting a salary number versus a salary range, or responding to objections if you are a job seeker fifty years old or older.

The third part focuses on negotiating the total compensation offer, including salary, benefits, and perquisites. There are a lot of samples you can use when negotiating salary, bonuses, option, flexible hours, and other compensation related items. This part also contains advice on counteroffers and finalizing offers.

The fourth part contains examples of negotiating at your current job. There are phrases you can use when asking for a promotion, a raise, negotiating over severance, and other related items.

Part five deals with special circumstances such as per diem, working off the books, and when invited back by a past employer. Again, phrases are provided for all of these situations that you can modify to fit your own needs.

The appendixes contain information regarding how to determine your current level of compensation, sample letters for wrapping up negotiations, and other resources.

I found this to be a good little book for the person preparing for salary or job negotiations. It provides ample phrases to modify to your own situations to be better prepared to succeed when asking for the salary, benefits, or perks you want. If you are getting ready to negotiate your salary or for a new job offer, reading this book first will help with your preparations.

Choosing a Career GuideChoosing a Career Guide

Choosing a career seems like an easy decision, doesn’t it?  For some people it is.  But for others, they need more of a definitive career guide when it comes to choosing a career path they want to travel down.  Almost all of us have dreamed of what we wanted to be when we grew up.  Many don’t get to realize those childhood dreams.  At the very least, they put them aside because they need to earn a paycheck.  You see, not everyone gets to realize their childhood dreams.  However, there’s really no reason why we have to give up on them.

That’s where a career guide can be especially helpful.  A career planning guide can tell you everything you need to know about your dream career. That includes what schooling you will need, any special training that is required, and what to look for when trying to find a job in your chosen career field.  Choosing a career guide is really a simple process, but it is also one that is very important when you are looking for your dream job.

Many career guides can be found online, but be wary when you are choosing which one you want to follow.  Make sure that the people or company that has written the career guide is qualified to give advice when it comes to career paths.  You don’t want to base you career decisions on a guide that is written by someone who has no experience or education in guiding someone down the right career path.

Choosing a good career guide depends on finding one that will give you objective information.  That includes the bad and the good of any particular career.  If a career guide you are reading says nothing but positive about a job, you will want to pass on that one and move on to another.  After all, we know that every single job has its ups and downs – its positives and negatives, if you will.  Any career guide that glorifies all jobs as God’s answer to the perfect career is one that isn’t credible.

We all need advice when it comes to choosing the right career path.  Who couldn’t use a guide along that career path to make sure that we don’t take a wrong turn?  Just take care when choosing a career guide and then take the advice that is offered to heart.  Then you just might find yourself living your childhood dream working in a job that you always wanted.